Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 3, Knowledge

Week 3: Knowledge- April 18th- 22nd
Teacher Notes
Activities•  I found an article on Badminton.
•   I summarised the article
•   I post it on my blog page
Standard and Criterion MetHere I wrote a post about making badminton and I used new Vocabulary like the word This is an example of criterion C
Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge- Read, Write and Describe information about badminton.
Approaches to Learning I found an article on badminton and I summarized it to show my understanding and suggest ways to introduce people to the sport of badminton.
Areas of Interaction Approaches to Learning
Completed Task - Research and summarize article
-posted a blog entry
completed the matrix for Week 3.
To Do ListWeekly reflection on blog: Write a summary including main idea and conclusions

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